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Newtownstewart Model Primary School, Newtownstewart, Omagh

Friends of the Model

The Friends of the Model are our Parent/ Teachers and Friends Association that have been set up with the aim to advance the education of pupils in the school. 

To achieve this Aim, the Friends will:

  • Raise funds to help the school provide extra resources for pupils.
  • Provide support for school trips and outings and other special events.
  • Run social events for parents and children; providing an opportunity for people to meet and get to know each other and have fun.


Mrs Shirley Kerrigan

Hon Secretary

Miss Wendy McGuckin

Hon Treasurer

Mrs Lesley Hamilton

Vice Treasurer

Miss Carol Calvert


Here will be posted the Achievements of Newtownstewart Model PS in collaboration with The Friends of the Model over the last 6 years. (2 School Development Plan cycles)